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Genius Wizard who sees Rainbows- Chapter 39


#039. The Old Tale and the Circle (1)




Life was advancing toward death at an abrupt pace.

The vortex of death would eventually swallow his entire existence, leaving no trace behind.

That was why.

Why the old man believed his meeting with the boy was destined.

*”It’s fortunate, really. A worthy candidate has appeared to whom I can properly pass down the magic I’ve built. Even if he’s not an official successor.”*

The goal he had set for himself before dying was clear:

To complete his research and compile it into a single book.
To pass on the magic and knowledge he had accumulated over his lifetime to a successor.

But none of it had been achieved.

The research was not even halfway done, and he couldn’t say that his magic and knowledge had been fully transmitted.

*”Finishing the research was always an unrealistic goal. And while I could teach Veronica without any barriers…”*

Veronica was a brilliant child.

She had an exceptional ability to grasp abstract concepts, envisioning and imagining worlds she hadn’t experienced, just from reading text in books.

Besides knowledge about magic, she had delved into various academic fields such as mathematics and language.

Her memory was outstanding; once she saw or heard something, she rarely forgot it.

*”Grandpa! You promised to quit smoking! Your health’s already bad enough, but you’re sneaking cigarettes again!”*

*”W-when did I ever promise such a thing?”*

*”Exactly 82 days, 4 hours, and 31 minutes ago! Ugh, so annoying! You also left bell peppers on your plate today, and you mixed the laundry again!”*

Even the things he wished she’d forget were meticulously remembered. Recently, her behavior also seemed heavily influenced by adolescence.

*”To think that quiet and obedient child would grow up like this…”*

The old man wiped away a tear.

Anyway, ahem.

Returning to the story: in terms of magic, Veronica hadn’t lived up to his expectations.

It had been about half a year since she started learning magic in earnest.

During that time, she hadn’t managed to construct even a single magic circle.

*”It’s not a lack of talent.”*

Her ability to sense and manipulate mana was proof that she was a special child chosen by mana itself.

Yet, every time it seemed she was about to succeed in forming a magic circle, she failed.

The old man suspected that psychological factors played a significant role.

Success was inevitable someday. However, the time he had left to impart his knowledge was running short.

She needed to construct a magic circle to advance to the next stage and receive further instruction.

*”Malta and Yulfin can sense mana but are still unable to manipulate it.”*

Both were taken in because of their future potential.

But before those small seeds could sprout, he would return to the soil.

And then, the boy appeared.

A boy with overwhelming talent, thirsting for magic and knowledge like none he’d ever seen before.

The old man couldn’t help but feel a profound, heart-throbbing excitement he hadn’t experienced in his entire life.

*”I don’t have much time to teach you magic. That’s why we’ll begin lessons today.”*

The old man began to speak, his determination to teach the boy overriding all else.

*”Alright. But before that, I have one question I’d like you to answer.”*

*”A question? Ask anything you wish.”*

*”I want to know exactly what this object is.”*

Ray pulled a ring from his pocket.

Learning magic was something he welcomed wholeheartedly, knowing they had to start as soon as possible.

He was acutely aware of the old man’s limited time.

*”But there’s something I need to address first.”*

That was preparing for the man in the basement who would soon visit the hideout.

Time was short for Ray as well.

The old man accepted the ring, examining it closely with a sharp gaze.

*”This… I sense mana within. It’s of the amplification type, with traces of reinforcement elements mixed in. It’s a type of mana – stone.”*

*”I’ve heard about mana – stones from Veronica. Does this one have any unique features beyond storing mana?”*

The old man’s eyes glimmered with intrigue.

*”Hmm… Oh, I see. There’s a spell embedded in it. The formula suggests it activates under certain conditions, enhancing physical strength and reflexes. And another spell seems to be…”*

His eyes narrowed suddenly.

*”…This is of the extraction type.”*

*”What kind of spell is embedded in it?”*

*”Ordinarily, mana stones wear out over repeated use and eventually become empty shells.”*


*”But this ring can be used indefinitely unless it’s destroyed. In fact, its performance might even improve.”*

Ray tilted his head.

*”Why is that?”*

*”Because the ring is designed to absorb the wearer’s vitality to repair itself.”*

*”…Is that even possible?”*

*”It’s not impossible. The energy that powers the ring is mana, and human vitality is essentially another form of mana.”*

The old man added that he could explain in more detail later, should the opportunity arise.

Ray nodded in understanding.

He now had a clearer sense of the ring’s true nature.

The man who wore it, Kedrick, had exhibited tremendous strength, but his eyes had been hollow and dazed.

It had felt as if the ring’s power was consuming him.

If the old man’s assessment was correct, Ray’s initial impressions hadn’t been far off.

*”This isn’t the kind of magic anyone can casually inscribe. Where did you get such a dangerous item?”*

Ray hesitated briefly.

He knew from experience that revealing too much information could lead to unforeseen trouble.

*”Can I trust this person?”*

The adults Ray had encountered were generally far more challenging to deal with than children.

Their emotions were unclear and inconsistent, often acting contrary to what they felt.

*”…Every adult I’ve met has been like that, except Niles.”*

The old man was no exception.

His layers of emotions made him harder to read.

But based on what Ray had observed, he felt confident the old man wouldn’t harm him.

The old man willingly offered to teach magic and, though their time together was brief, his character could be glimpsed through small gestures.

…Being someone with a wealth of knowledge, he might be of great help if told about the situation.

“Do you have a troubling matter? One cannot receive help without sharing something. That’s just how the world works.”

The old man’s words, as if reading his mind, startled Ray.

After some deliberation, Ray decided to reveal the truth, but only share information necessary to explain the situation.

“I’ve become the leader of a group of kids on the streets. This ring belonged to the previous leader. They say a strange man gave it to him.”

“So, you’ve become a leader. With that sharp personality of yours, I can imagine you dominating the streets. But a man gave him the ring? For what reason?”

Ray hesitated briefly before elaborating.

“He said he was an executive of an organization called Murcred. He promised to recruit kids with strength into the group if they assembled a set number.”

A ripple of unease crossed the old man’s expression.

It was subtle, but his emotions clearly shifted.

“Murcred, you say…”

“Have you heard of it?”

“How could I not? Hah… Yes, the Blood Stone. To think I didn’t recognize it at first glance.”

The old man took a deep breath and continued.

“Do you know that there are far more criminal groups around us than meet the eye?”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

Ray responded immediately.

Even in Sector 50 alone, there were over a dozen gangs, large and small.

The old man nodded at Ray’s prompt reply.

“Having lived on the streets, you might even know better than I do in some ways. Indeed, wherever people gather, crime inevitably follows.”

The old man added that humans are destined to clash and, in doing so, often harbor malice toward one another. In underdeveloped regions, this malice tends to fester unresolved.

“Festering malice eventually crystallizes into crime. It reeks of corruption, like rotting cheese.”

Once crime emerges, it tends to grow, spreading and entwining into organized groups.

“I’ve lived in many places, but I’ve never seen a sector without some form of criminal element. Interestingly, the more developed sectors often have even more groups thriving.”

The old man mentioned traveling up the Elton River to sectors in the 30s.

As sector numbers decreased, the scenery improved, but security didn’t show dramatic changes.

“Inevitably, I came across tales of the crime organizations dominating each sector. Sometimes, I even found myself entangled in their affairs.”

“Have you ever encountered members of Murcred yourself?”

The old man shook his head.

“No. Murcred’s numbers are far fewer than other major groups. Despite their broad scope of operations, they’re highly secretive. I’ve only heard rumors. But if even half of what’s said is true, Murcred is the most powerful and dangerous group I know of operating in the shadows.”


“They deal in weapons and drugs, even human trafficking and organ trade. Yet, that’s not the main reason they’re dangerous. Do you know what is?”

Ray thought of the madness in the basement man’s eyes and asked, “Does it have to do with the temperament of their members?”

“Temperament… That’s not entirely wrong. The fact that every single one of their members is a mage could be seen as a kind of temperament.”

All their members are mages.

Given that a single mage could overpower dozens or even hundreds of ordinary people, the implications of the old man’s words were staggering.

“Are mages common?”

“Of course not.”

The old man chuckled dryly.

Mages were rare beings who were revered wherever they went, precisely because of their scarcity.

“Do you know how many members Murcred has?”

“Some say a few dozen, others say a few hundred. Judging by their range of activity, the latter seems more plausible.”


Hundreds of mages.

Considering the rarity of mages, such an organization was beyond extraordinary.

“And they’re known for their violent tendencies, an extremist group that reveres power. They’ll stop at nothing to grow stronger.”

The old man, revisiting old memories, continued his tale.

The easiest way to identify a Murcred member was through their red gemstones. The mana-infused stones they carried symbolized their disregard for the dangers of mana overuse.

The information the old man provided was carefully absorbed by the boy.

‘Has he investigated this himself?’ Ray wondered silently.

“You seem to know a lot about them.”

“Of course. Do you remember? I once told you that I spent my youth chasing rainbows.”

“Yes, you’ve mentioned it.”

The old man smiled briefly before his face grew somber, his gaze drifting somewhere far away.

Dry lips parted, and a worn, faded voice emerged.

“It’s a well-known story among those in the know. Murcred is said to possess part of the rainbow.”




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